Monday, November 21, 2011

Time to give back.....

So it's the holidays. Whether you celebrate or not is not the issue. It is however a time that you can show people simple kindness. A time to be nicer to others maybe then you normally would. A time to be compassionate to those that may not be as fortunate as you. Also a time to rejoice in your family and friends and what they bring to you. It is not a time for gifts and things you can get out of it, unless you only want the warmth in you soul that doing good by others can bring to you. So no matter how you choose to celebrate this holiday season at least do this. Show kindness and compassion to those around you and that will make the world a much brighter place to be in, Blinking lights not included. ;-)

OK so now that the mushy stuff is done lol, I also have added a new group gift to my store Wild Serenity. It is in the holiday spirit of colors and can be worn long or short your choice, It even comes with a pretty pantie to turn into some sexy lingerie. So be sure to pop in and check it out!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I've been Busy....

Yes I have had a bit of extra time on my hands of late and put the energy into making some new outfits. So you know what they say about idle hands and all that, although some would argue I am the devils work already I still need to stay busy. So my boredom is to your advantage. Here is just an example of what you can fine in store. Oh and soon? I will be putting out the Holiday group dress freebie! Your gonna LOVE it!

                                                Choas comes with two skirts
                                              Hawtt! Jeans
                                               Total Distraction

See told you I have been busy! MWAH!

Friday, November 4, 2011

OMG Vampires DO exist!

Well we all know that Halloween was a few days ago and we also know that I am a vampire queen in SL. So I decided to play the whole thing up and do something a little different. I decided to go all out but you know I had to be me too. Azul had a fabulous dress just for the Halloween holiday looks like I was a bit messy with my dinner. Leave it to her to make something gorgeous and perfect. Also had to have this Truth Hair Lilia white and blacks. Gotta love truth! Had a fabulous incredible time that night and even though it is different from my normal red I was loving this white hair. May do it again at some point. All Jewelry from Dahlinks Concubine collection. The fangs well those are mine the better to sink into all those lovely necks out there or wherever the mood strikes.