Sunday, December 12, 2010

Photography in Second Life

So I have come to thoroughly enjoy photography in SL. The opportunities are endless and with some photo programs you can have a lot of fun. I find this to be a good play time stress reliever. I have also found I can spend countless hours just sitting around playing with backgrounds, poses and props. Having fun an being creative all at the same time. I don't just do them for me. My real joy is doing them for others and getting the joy of having them like them. I am by far not the best out there. There are some out there who's photo's take my breath away with what they can do. I hope to someday be as good as them but until then I will play and have fun doing it. Another good thing about it is that you can earn lindens too. Many people in SL need professional or good looking pic's for one thing or another. Whether it be for profile pictures or tip and host jars there are plenty out there willing to pay you for your time. So if you are looking for a way to earn lindens and your creative try it out.
Here are a few I have done.

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