Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ok so the last couple of days or so I have been setting up my new Sim. I bought a huge gorgeous house that would be my dream in Real life. Ok it is not a house it is a mansion! I mean this thing has a theatre pool, hot tubs and so many rooms I lose count. Of course in SL you can make anything into whatever you want. But here are some rules and things to remember, I will let you learn from my mistakes, lol. First when you put your rez box down make sure you allow it to terraform first, other wise the house did not rez level. You may not see this at first but later you will know that it is not as it should be. I did not realize it till I had already done some major remodeling. So now I have decided to scrap it and redo the entire thing. My furniture is in place and I have changed every texture in the house so this means more hours of remodeling ahead. Not looking forward to it but I have no choice. My doors do not lock because the house did not link up correctly. Someone was kind enough to come into my house when I was not there and look around. I came in and everything with a pose ball had pose balls rezzed, lol. I know I did not do it so it has me curious what was going on in my house. Some things I probably don't want to know. However some good things have come out of this. Besides learning to terraform I have learned to not be afraid to try new things. I have taught my self how to build walls, windows, mountains and waterfalls. I have learned how to make textures fit and modify them to what I want. I have learned how to take out walls and kitchens and replace them. So all in all even with the mistakes I have learned more from experience than my mistakes. So don't be afraid to get out the and try making things, you can always delete them if you don't like it. So get out there and start making your dreams in SL come true, don't be scared, the SL police won't come and get you for messing up their world. Hell I don't even think there are SL police out there, maybe I have just been a good girl and not seen them, I hope so. Maybe I will do something bad just to find out? Till next time!

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